Dubuque City Council Member Ric Jones announces his bid for re-election to the At-Large City Council position this November.
Ric has a wealth of experience in government and innovation as one of the very first paramedics in Iowa working 30+ years at the City of Dubuque Fire Department. After retirement he has worked as a manager at NICC’s paramedic education program and has driven a bus for Dubuque Community Schools “driving some of the world’s best kids to some of the world’s best schools.”
Ric has been an educator in emergency medicine for decades and spent some time working for the Defense Department educating US troops in trauma management during the ramp up to the first gulf war.
He has been a lifetime community volunteer for various entities, including Hills and Dales, Special Olympics Iowa, Kiwanis, Colts Youth Organization, and more.
Ric points to the City’s nationally recognized fiscal management, local management of and recovery from the pandemic, and numerous successes including Bee Branch waterway and park, expansion of the trail system, development of the Millwork District, completion of the Southwest Arterial, maintaining excellence in delivery of emergency services and ongoing substantial infrastructure improvements all while maintaining one of the lowest property tax rates in the area…City Council accomplishments of which he is proud.
A part of every major decision beginning with adding sexual orientation to the Human Rights Ordinance in 2006, voters can be confident that Ric will remain accessible, accountable, well-informed and prepared to address the complex issues and identified priorities that will ensure a safe, equitable community with economic and cultural opportunities … a City where citizens and future generations want to live, return to and retire in.
Ric serves on the Boards of Directors of the Dubuque Racing Association, Travel Dubuque, the Jamie Barwick Hills and Dales Foundation and others. He is an active member of the Teamsters Union Local 120, and American Federation of Musicians Local # 67. He also belongs to the Dubuque League of Women Voters, The Dubuque Branch of the NAACP, American MENSA, the Iowa Firefighters’ Association, the Iowa Emergency Medical Services Association and the Dubuque Kiwanis Club.
Ric sums up his City Council service paraphrasing the late Walter Mondale – We served the people, we obeyed the law, and we told the truth.